Diffuse Infrared Classroom
Diffuse Infrared "Paperless" Classroom

In 1994, the first classroom experiment using notebook computers networked
by diffuse infrared (IR) light took place at Duke University.
The portable IR devices were beta-tested by 40 students in one network
with the instructor able to project any screen and type on any keyboard,
with no physical alteration to the classroom. For details, see the
articles below.
- G. Stetten, S. Guthrie, "Wireless Infrared Networking in the Duke Paperless Classroom," Technological Horizons in Education Journal vol. 23, no. 3, pp. 87-90, October, 1995.
- G. Stetten, "Another Look at the Duke Wireless Classroom," Technological Horizons in Education Journal, vol. 25, no. 11, June 1998.
- DCET review of wireless technology in the classroom
Newspaper and magazine articles about the Duke Paperless Classroom
Siegmann, K. (1994, Feb. 9, 1994). "Wireless Classroom." The San Francisco Chronicle, p.B3
Lii, J. H. (April 10, 1994). "No Talking In Class." The New York Times, p.4A-7.
Loudermilk, S. (April 25, 1994). "At Duke, it's reading writing and wireless." LAN Times, p.41-42.
Hughes, G. (1994), "Wireless Network Goes to School." Wireless for the Corporate User, vol.3, no.3, p.51.
Karve, A. (September, 1994). "Multimedia and distance learning are popular subjects at many universities." LAN Magazine, p.145-149.
Meade, J. (February, 1995). "A Paperless Classroom." Prism (American Society for Engineering Education) p.14.
Wilson, D. (March 24, 1995). "Computers Without Cables." The Chronicle of Higher Education, p.A23-25.
Weiss, J. (June, 1995) "Technology Across the Campus: Infrared networking in the Classroom." Syllabus, vol.8, no.9, p.18.
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